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Mamma's Marketplace

Cleansing & Protection Bundle

Cleansing & Protection Bundle


Bundle Includes:

1 Murray & Lanman Florida Water 7.5 Fl. Oz.

1 Chakra Rainbow Sage Stick 4"

1 Pale Santo Stick 4"

1 Selenite Wand 4"

1 Turkey Feather 12"

1 Green Abalone Sea Shell 5" 100% organic

1 Black Salt 12 grams

  • Uses & Benefits

    Murray & Lanman Florida Water is a sacred cologne with many spiritual uses, including:


    Used in place of holy water, Florida Water is used for ritual offerings and purification


    Mixed with herbs, spices, citrus oils, or lavender, Florida Water can be used as a perfume or cologne for protection.

    Home cleansing

    Spray a mixture of Florida Water and water in each room of your home to promote positive energy and cleanse negative energies

    Personal cleansing

    Apply a few drops to your hands, rub them together, and then pat your body to cleanse yourself of negative energy.


    Sage smudging is an ancient spiritual practice that involves burning sage to purify a space, dispel negative energy, and improve mood. Sage is believed to have many benefits, including:

    Clearing the air: Sage smoke can clear up to 94% of airborne bacteria

    Relieving symptoms: Sage may help with asthma, allergies, bronchitis, and insomnia.

    Connecting to the spiritual realm: Sage is used to enhance intuition and connect to the spiritual realm.

    Improving mood: Sage smoke releases negative ions, which can put people in a positive mood

    Rebalancing energy: Sage can help rebalance the energy in a space and objects in it.

    Increasing spiritual awareness: Sage is associated with wisdom, clarity, and increased spiritual awareness.

    To smudge, you can:

    *Light one end of the sage stick over a heat-safe bowl or abalone shell

    *Let it burn for a few seconds before putting out the flame

    *Set intention

    *Walk through your home, room to room, blessing the area with a prayer or statement of intent.

    *Move the sage bundle into all corners, paying attention to enclosed spaces.


    Palo Santo is a sacred tree in South America that has been used for centuries in spiritual and shamanic traditions. It's also known for its healing properties, which include anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal benefits.

    Cleansing: Palo santo is used to cleanse spaces of negative energy and prepare for sacred rituals. 

    Heighting awareness: The scent of palo santo is said to help people connect with the spiritual realm and heighten awareness.

    Attracting good fortune: Palo santo is said to attract good fortune and remove obstacles.

    Promoting relaxation: The smoke from palo santo is believed to have calming and therapeutic properties that can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.


    Selenite The Gemstone of Purification is instantly soothing. Selenite has a long history of being a beloved goddess stone and is said to bring protection, harmony, and soul healing to your body, mind, and home.

    *Place selenite in their homes in areas like the front door, living room, bedroom, office, or meditation space. 

    *Selenite will draw negative energy out of other crystals when they come into physical contact. Simply lay your crystals on top of a large piece of selenite or around it (havin crystals touch) and let them rest. The selenite doesn't have to be a specific size, shape as long as it's bigger than the crystals it's cleansing, it'll work.

    *Water exposure can cause it to lose its structure and shine. Selenite should always be kept dry. Even minimal contact with water can cause noticeable damage. 


    Turkey Feather In spiritual practices turkey feathers are often used as a symbol of abundance, fertility, pride, and connection to the wind, birdand celestial energy. 

    Healing Purposes: Feathers are used to channel and redirect energies in the healing process. Feathers can serve as tools for cleansing the aura, removing negative energy and introducing healing vibrations into it.


    Abalone Sea Shell since ancient times abalone has been used in purification ceremonies. The shell is believed to have powerful cleansing properties that can help to release negative energy and promote balance and harmony.

    *Abalone shells are used as holders for burning sage in the ritual of smudging, which is intended to repel bad spirits.

    *Abalone is said to offer spiritual protection from hurtful thoughts, words, and actions.


    Black salt has been used for centuries in many cultures for protection, cleansing and banishing spells. It is believed that it can help to ward off negative energies and protect you from harm.

    Here are a few ways to use blacl salt:

    *Ward off evil by sprinkling a thin line of Black Salt outside all the doors and windows of your home. If there is a particular person that you wish to keep out of your home, say their name and the reason you wish to keep them out.

    *Add a pinch to floor washes before use to drive negativity and unwanted spirits out of your home. A pinch of Black Salt to half a bucket of floor wash is all you need. If you use more, you risk turning the water grey or black and you might stain your floors. Always wash towards the door so that negativity goes out the door.

    *Add half to one teaspoon of Witches Black Salt to bath water to cleanse yourself of negativity, anger, relieve depression etc. Wash yourself from the top downwards. Clean the bath afterwards to wash away any residue and negativity.


 The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. None of this information should be considered a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, a legal warranty or a guarantee of results to be achieved. This information is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professionals. You should not use this information for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

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